Photovoltaics for companies: a responsible choice

If you own an electric vehicle (EV), the recurring question you’ll get is: how easy is it to charge the battery on the road? Clearly, people simply want to get.

The scientific journal 'Nature Climate Change' has published a very interesting research by a team of environmental science experts on the reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the beginning of the year to the end of April. The pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, as we already know, have greatly affected the health of our planet and, in fact, studies confirm that the daily global emissions drop is up to 17 per cent compared to 2019.

The focus on environmental protection is not a new issue on institutional tables since, for several years now, there has been increasing talk of 'Green economy'an 'environmentally responsible' political and economic model aimed at reducing pollution levels in response to the serious environmental situation and also at improving productivity and competitiveness, especially in a period of severe economic and financial crisis.

In this sense, it becomes inevitable to promote sustainable production and consumption models and among these certainly the most immediate is thecompany photovoltaic system.

A photovoltaic system consists of photovoltaic panels that convert solar energy into electrical energy and inverters that convert the electrical energy from direct to alternating to be used directly for the company's self-consumption needs and which, when the companies are closed (public holidays, summer holidays, etc.), is fed into the local distribution network; the systems are sized according to the company's consumption, allowing considerable savings on the bill.

For a company, in fact, this type of investment allows it to implement its 'self-consumption' capacity since the energy generated can be used in whole or in part through the 'on-site exchange' regime, thus allowing the photovoltaic investment to amortise over time.

Investing in renewable energy sources, and photovoltaics in particular, is today a choice adopted by many companies that want to gain a competitive advantage over companies that use traditional energy sources, thus seeking to decrease energy costs and increase production costs, while also having a return on image thanks to the use of green energy. The ever-increasing sensitivity of the market towards the environment and eco-sustainability is today an important opportunity for growth, positioning and visibility for those companies willing to focus on their ethical values so that they become an integral part of the company mission, thus increasing brand reputation.

Installing a photovoltaic system, therefore, allows you to save money and earn money at the same time (thanks to what you receive for the energy fed into the grid), in both economic and environmental terms, for the production of green, clean and safe energy.

Enterprises in the South can access the 45% Tax Credit thanks to the Bonus Investimenti Sud, which can also be cumulated with the super depreciation provided by Industria 4.0.

Access to credit also proves to be a further strong point of this investment in view of the very low Euribor values, which allow access to bank loans with very low rates, and the fact that these can also be provided by Medio Credito Centrale.

If you are interested in installing a photovoltaic system for your company, effectively creating a financial income for the next 25-30 years, and would like to rely on professionals with decades of experience in the field, able to accurately determine the foreseeable output of the system, the expected benefits, the estimated costs, while suggesting the best technical, banking and insurance solutions, visit our site: or contact us directly at

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