
The sectors in which we operate

Over the years, we have specialised in various areas in addition to photovoltaics. This is to give you an all-round service in the field of renewable energy, for your home and your business. Find out how we can help you and do not hesitate to contact us.

Corporate/Residential Photovoltaics

The photovoltaic sector in Italy has reached maturity thanks to the 18 GW already installed. Thanks to the strong know-how acquired through the installation of more than 500 systems of all sizes (from 3 kWp to 9.7 MWp) for a total of more than 100 MWp, and also through Regran-lab (a company laboratory where the best performing products on the market and different technologies have been tested since 2007) Regran is now able to offer turnkey construction and after-sales services at extremely competitive prices, proposing the most advantageous solution for the end customer.

Concentrating solar power

Concentrating solar technology involves the use of mirrors (reflection) or lenses (transmission) that concentrate the radiation incident on a large surface into a smaller one occupied by the photovoltaic cells, increasing the intensity of the radiation incident on the modules. It works mainly with direct radiation. This technology requires the use of an automatic tracking system on one or two axes, which aims to maximise the energy and economic efficiency of the photovoltaic modules installed on the system; CPV modules, thanks to the special optics of the glass, are able to further increase the efficiency of the system. Regran installed a 1 MWp concentrating solar power plant in 2012 and has therefore developed a strong know-how on this technology.

Solar thermal

Solar thermal technology is one of the simplest ways of harnessing the energy that the sun makes freely available to everyone. With solar panels, it is possible to have a reserve of hot water both during the day and at night, thanks to storage systems that guarantee proper water storage. Regran supplies hot water production systems using both traditional panels and vacuum tubes, offering a wide range of solutions to meet business and residential needs, as well as swimming pool heating. We produce, in cooperation with a Chinese company, Regran vacuum tube solar collectors and storage tanks that are excellent value for money.

Thermo-dynamic solar

The function of the thermodynamic solar system is to concentrate solar energy on a receiver system to heat a heat transfer fluid to high temperatures. The hot fluid is stored in reservoirs, allowing the collected thermal energy to be accumulated. Water, or alternatively molten salts, silicone or diathermic oils can be used as the heat transfer fluid. The thermal energy will then be transferred from the carrier to a special system which will convert it into electrical energy by means of an oil-free Organic Rankine cycle.


The mini wind energy sector deals with wind turbines of less than 200 kW. By harnessing wind energy, these machines are able to produce electricity and feed it into the grid. Their performance is highly dependent on the wind speed and characteristics at the site, so an anemometric analysis is essential for a correct assessment of the investment. REGRAN has the necessary tools for a correct analysis of a site's wind potential, and supplies turnkey wind turbines with both horizontal and vertical axes.


Strengthened by its know-how in the energy sector, Regran has extended its activities into the design, construction, management and control of thermochemical type energy production plants using Biomass and biochemical type energy production plants using Biogas, depending on the chemical and physical properties of the product to be used, which conditions the type of conversion processes and thus the choice of the most convenient technology. In addition, projects are being developed for the production of biomethane from the fermentation of sewage sludge, milk scotte and livestock manure.


A thermoelectric plant that produces electricity using high-temperature heat as its primary source necessarily also produces heat at a lower temperature, which is generally released into the environment. When it is possible to recover part of this heat, which is used by a thermal consumer, a cogeneration system is created, which improves the thermodynamic efficiency of the system. Through such a system, primary fuel energy savings are achieved compared to the separate production of the same quantities of electricity and heat. Such cogeneration systems vary in size from a few kWe up to a few hundred MWe and come in the form of various technologies, the most common of which are:

  • Internal combustion engines
  • Gas turbines and microturbines
  • Steam turbines


Last completed projects

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